Isle of Wight Music Calendar

Isle of Wight Music Calendar

Welcome to the Isle of Wight Music Calendar. This site provides listings for some of the many musical events held on the Isle of Wight throughout the year. This page shows the events over the coming two months. By clicking on the "forward" or "back" links, you can see other months.

A printable version of the full calendar is also available


May 2022

7th (Saturday)

21st (Saturday)

June 2022

3rd (Friday)



Venue: --Other--

Renaissance to Contemporary choral music at Quarr Abbey. Free admission/retiring collection

6th (Monday)



Venue: --TBA--

Salutaris is a newly formed vocal group on the Island and will sing at Cowes Medina book shop. Programme - choral pieces from Renaissance to 20th century music compositions.

11th (Saturday)


Ave Vita Choir

Venue: St. John's Church, Newport

An evening of choral music by this new IOW choir.
Programme: from Tallis to contemporary composers

24th (Friday)


Ryde Chorus

Venue: --Other--

St Peter's Church, Shorwell, PO30 3JN

25th (Saturday)